How to? RSS

Glass Pipes, How to? -

Whether you’re adding to your extensive collection, or are picking out your first piece, choosing a water pipe can seem overwhelming. There are so many different types; how can you possibly know which one to buy? We’re here to help! When it comes to picking out the perfect water pipe, there are several factors to consider: Quality Maintenance Filtration Price QUALITY Obviously, you want to choose a well-made water pipe. Typically, if you’re going with a glass piece, those made with borosilicate glass are the best to choose, as they are durable and non-toxic. Borosilicate glass is made in a...

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Dugouts, How to?, What is? -

Portable and easy to carry in your pocket or purse (hello, ladies!), dugouts are one of the best tools to have as a smoker.  Dugouts, sometimes called Taster Boxes, are perfect for any smoker. Usually constructed of wood, a dugout has two main compartments.  A larger compartment holds your tobacco and a smaller compartment that holds a metal taster bat. Dugouts have been around for decades, and there’s a reason.  Not only are they convenient, they also help you get the most out of your smoke.  Finely grind your tobacco with an herb grinder and pack it into the large...

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How to? -

You’re a smoker but you don’t love the smell that accompanies it. Smoke clings to just about any surface - carpet, upholstery, furniture, clothes, and even your body. So, whether your in-laws are visiting or you are just trying to light up discreetly at a concert, we've got you covered! Hide the smell of smoke like a pro with these tips.

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How to?, Silicone -

I recently sat down with some friends at a party and they were in awe of my silicone water pipe.  And they had questions. Does it smoke differently? Is it safe to smoke from? How do you clean it?  I can understand their hesitation, but the questions were easy to answer! Silicone products have hit the market hard.  I’m sure you even have a silicone utensil for cooking somewhere in your kitchen, and let’s not forget how amazing silicone dab containers have really transitioned how we keep our wax concentrates.  Food grade silicone is perfectly safe to smoke from.  Its...

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